Bringing in the New Year

Happy New Year from BRDC!

With the beginning of a new year, we wanted to take this time to reintroduce the faces behind BRDC.


Aaron Floyd, our executive director, is our fearless leader and visionary behind BRDC’s development.


Lisa Benish, our program director, ensures that our mission is met by inspiring youth and community members to engage with the natural world.


Ali Singleton, our landscaper/educator, is focused on developing our landscape with native plants for both people and wildlife to enjoy.


Chris Hartless, our facilities maintenance warrior, works tirelessly to keep the wheels of progress turning.


Lauren Peery, our naturalist/educator, plays a huge role in leading youth and community members to discover the wonders of the Blue Ridge.

We thank you for your continued support of BRDC, and for following our growth over the years. We have some really exciting things coming up this year, and we’re so excited to share them with you!