It's Fall Rally Time!

The Mount Rogers Fall Naturalist Rally is almost here and we are excited to share some of the programs! Friday starts with a great dinner featuring locally sourced ingredients, so be sure to sign up for that before October 9th on our website. Following dinner, our a keynote speaker, OLIVIA ANDREWS, PH.D. STUDENT, VIRGINIA TECH ENTOMOLOGY DEPARTMENT talks about classical biological control and the work that has done to implement this approach for the hemlock woolly adelgid, while also giving an overview of the work that is currently being done…in particular here in the Blue Ridge mountains. Following our speaker, we will be hosting a nighttime Owl Prowl and Star Gazing. There will be a separate children’s program during the guest speaker presentation for all kids 6 and up!

At 7:00am Saturday, registration continues and breakfast is served with field trips and programs beginning at 8:00am sharp! These morning programs include arachnids with Cade, Migrant birds with Allen, Habitats of BRDC with Ali, Nature Journaling with Rosa and Ellie plus more! After the morning programs, lunch will be served in the dining hall followed by the afternoon programs starting at 1:00pm. These programs include Beginning Birding with BRDC, Old Kelly Orchard Tour with Tom, Black Bear Ecology with Carl, Phenology and Trees with Mark, and several more. Throughout Saturday we will also be featuring a variety of kids programs such as a nature walks, nature crafts, stream play, storytelling and birding.

Do you need lodging for this event? We have you covered! We are renting out rooms and beds in our Schoolhouse for rally goers that want to stay on campus.

If you are interested in reading more about our guides, purchasing rally or meal tickets, click here!