Fish Bugs

The Trout Population has Increased in Wilson Creek

The Trout Population has Increased in Wilson Creek

Last week was absolutely beautiful and we couldn't have had a better time on Wilson Creek in Grayson County as the 7th grade students of Independence Middle and Grayson Highlands Schools and the 5th grade students of Piney Creek Elementary School released their trout.

Learning about Amphibians & Aquatic Insects

Learning about Amphibians & Aquatic Insects

BRDC has been busy with education programs, working with Galax Middle School, Fries School, Fairview Elementary, Grayson Highlands, Independence Elementary.

Grayson County's fourth grade students participated in the Natural Heritage Program with an emphasis on salamanders, toads, and frogs. Students learned about salamanders commonly found in the Blue Ridge.

Fishbugs and Snorkeling with the Scout Troop #5

Fishbugs and Snorkeling with the Scout Troop #5

A small pack from Boy Scout Troop #5 hauled their swimming trunks, snorkels and bug nets down to Big Wilson Creek in search of Southern Appalachain Brook Trout. Upon arriving we found a tea-colored tannin stained creek. Not to be deterred, the scouts geared up and entered the 62 degree water without hesitation.

Grayson Highlands School and Grayson Highlands State Park go fishing...

Grayson Highlands School and Grayson Highlands State Park go fishing...

On June 12th, Blue Ridge Discovery Center's Roald Kirby and Scott Jackson-Ricketts assisted the school and park on a fishing expedition at Cabin Creek, in the park.  This was not planned by BRDC, but we were happy to bring our Fish Bugs program in support of the event. 

Fish Bugs returns to Grayson Highlands State Park

Fish Bugs returns to Grayson Highlands State Park

On both May 20th and 21st, Aaron Floyd led groups of grade school age kids, all from Grayson Highlands School, to Grayson Highlands State Park for a day of stream exploration. I was not able to help on Monday, so my report will focus on Tuesday’s outing. 22 kids helped us move our equipment from the Massie Gap parking area to our chosen spot along Cabin Creek, just below the large falls.