Moth Night, July 30, 2011
On Moth Night, July 30, in spite of intermittent rain showers
, more than 20 people gathered at the Matthews Living History Farm Museum from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. to look at moths and other night-flying insects attracted to black light/moth sheet setups. Bob Perkins and Cecelia Mathis photographed insects for later identification. Bob subsequently identified 24 moth species and some other insects. He is working on three moths that may or may not be identifiable. Highlights included a dobsonfly, a long-horned caddisfly, beautiful wood-nymph, showy emerald, and nais tiger moth.
Moths identified
eastern grass-tubeworm, Acrolophus plumifrontella
black-shaded platynota, Platynota flavedana
hahncappsia marculenta, Hahncappsia marculenta
celery leaftier, Udea rubigalis
Basswood Leafroller Moth, Pantographa limata
sod webworm, Pediasia trisecta
bluegrass webworm moth, Parapediasia teterrella
red-headed inchworm angle moth, Macaria bisignata
pale-marked angle moth, Macaria signata
Canadian melanolophia moth, Melanolophia canadaria
showy emerald, Dichorda iridaria
idaea productata, Idaea productata
toothed brown carpet, Xanthorhoe lacustra
common eupithecia, Eupithecia miserulata
Isabella tiger moth, Pyrrharctia isabella
nais tiger moth, Apantesis nais
banded tussock moth, Halysidota tessellaris
hickory tussock moth, Lophocampa caryae
grayish zanclognatha, Zanclognatha pedipililas
faint-spotted palthis Moth, Palthis asopialis
clover Looper, Caenurgina crassiuscula
black-patched graylet, Hyperstrotia secta
black wedge-spot, Homophoberia apicosa
beautiful wood-nymph moth, Eudryas grata
Other Insects:
false katydid spp
field cricket spp
mayflies, at least two species
Caddisflies, several species
long-horned caddisfly, species of Leptoceridae family
stonefly, small species
cabbage white (butterfly)
long-necked seed bug, Myodocha serripes
leafhoppers, several species
lady beetle spp
scarab beetles, several species
-Bob Perkins