Upcoming Christmas Bird Counts!

Pictured: Red-breasted Nuthatch

Christmas bird counts have been a tradition since the early 1900s when an ornithologist suggested that bird hunters count birds rather than hunt them. This bird count has now happened every year since in a multitude of different locations. The Christmas Bird Count, organized by the Audubon Society, is a North American citizen science survey that runs from December 14th through January 5th each year. Information gathered during these counts helps us to better understand the health and status of bird populations. This type of stewardship is something that represents one of our pillars at BRDC and we are so excited to be able to participate in two Christmas Bird Counts this year.

The New River Christmas Bird Count will be the first bird count that BRDC participates in this year. Each year, Blue Ridge Discovery Center heads up to the New River CBC, centered around Sparta, NC. All ages and skill levels are welcome to participate! This event is free to all and we’ll make a full day of it. This will take place on Saturday, December 17th from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm.

Pictured: Song Sparrow

The Mount Rogers Christmas Bird Count will be the second bird count that BRDC participates in this year. This bird count will be led by local bird expert Allen Boynton. His knowledge of birds is truly remarkable and we are so glad that he will be guiding the Mount Rogers CBC. This will take place on Sunday, December 18th from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm.

Interested in joining us for a Christmas Bird Count? Please contact Keely Doyle at kdoyle@blueridgediscoverycenter.org or (276) 388-3155.

Pictured: Northern Cardinal