Expedition on the New

Twelve eager young people and four BRDC staff set out on one of our favorite summer adventures: a four-day, three-night expedition down the New River, camping on its banks by night and paddling on its waters by day. The trip covered around 25 river miles with some Class I and II rapids adding to the excitement.

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We snorkeled and swam before the river became churned up from the heavy downpours and then made good use of our time on land searching for insects and amphibians, all of which were found a plenty. A special treat was a nice dunk under a waterfall on the last night. Quite refreshing after paddling in the hot sun…no, we weren’t complaining after the rains, but it did get warm!

And there is nothing like a hot meal after a long day on the water. Breaking bread morning, noon, and night added to the camaraderie and friendship around the stove and the fire. Roasting marshmallows and eating key lime pie and cherry cobbler riverside can’t be beat. Games such as battleship, ninja, and ultimate frisbee kept us competitive and laughing all the while.

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We couldn’t have asked for a better crew and surely lifelong friendships and memories were made. At least they were for us! This camp is supported by the 2018 Virginia Wildlife Grant Program through a partnership between the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries and the Wildlife Foundation of Virginia. Thank you for your support in purchasing kayaks and helmets to keep our kids safe and actively exploring, discovering, and sharing the wonders of the Blue Ridge!