New River

Impromtu Fly Fishing Camp!

Impromtu Fly Fishing Camp!

At the request of a couple of campers from a previous camp we put together another Fly Fishing Camp to end the summer. Shortened by a day, it became an action packed three day initiation by fire. On the ride to camp we all agreed to treat this as an intensive course rather than the typical shenanigans of a summer camp. The result was one seriously focused group of kids.

New River Expedition- Summer Fun!

New River Expedition- Summer Fun!

There is no grander journey than pushing off from shore in a boat on a one-way trip to wherever the current carries you! On July 14, intrepid explorers from throughout the region did just that. Launching our kayaks and canoes from the King's Creek access along the South Fork of the New River, we began a four day journey down the currents of the New. With the guides paddling the canoes full of gear, the kids were free to explore the river at their own pace.

Nesting Bald Eagles Discovered along the New River in Grayson County, VA!

Nesting Bald Eagles Discovered along the New River in Grayson County, VA!

Every trip outdoors holds an opportunity for discovery, but a trip down the New River always seems to be teeming with wildlife. On this particular trip, Ellie and Roald discovered a successful nesting pair of Bald Eagles! This is a landmark discovery many of us have been looking forward to for years.