Cottage Renovations Underway
Cottage Floor Plans
Over the past month, Blue Ridge Discovery Center has begun renovations on the cottage adjacent to our center! Our aim is to move our offices out there by the Spring Naturalist Rally in early May and set up shop! Our new office will allow us to offer some programming, establish fundraising headquarters for the center, get to know the Konnarock community, secure the site, and most of all, be an example of what is to come!
This project has made swift progress due to some invaluable support by volunteers, donors, and the hard work of local contractor David Hood. We began with a volunteer demo session that prepped the site in a heartbeat, demoing old flooring, fixtures, trim and cabinets. With a generous private financial contribution, we began restoring the structure, fixing leaks, guttering, insulating and installing the flooring. Local materials suppliers have contributed essential in-kind donations, including Grayson Millworks who is producing custom period white oak molding and Berry Home Center who has supported BRDC with building supplies, along with a brand new set of cabinets and countertops for the project! If you don't know Berry Home Center, you should:
Many thanks to all involved, we look forward to hosting you at our new offices this spring!