Containing Wonder - Creating Terrariums
As the days get shorter and nature prepares to rest, getting outside can be harder—and certainly colder! Now is the perfect time to bring a little bit of nature inside by crafting a terrarium.

Summertime Fun at BRDC
When our rain garden is at peak green and the pollinators are in full swing, we know a lively summer has begun at Blue Ridge Discovery Center.

2023 BRDC Awards
We are very excited to share the awards Blue Ridge Discovery Center and staff have won so far this year.

A Year in Review
Look at what you helped us achieve in 2021 and join us in ringing in the New Year!

A Lotta Help from Our Friends
As disappointing as it was to cancel the Mt. Rogers Summer Naturalist Rally, we couldn’t be more thankful or appreciative of all the help the multitude of volunteers did to support our Center last weekend!

Schoolhouse Walkthrough & Update
The schoolhouse took another step towards completion last week with the addition of our gorgeous stained glass window.
Cabell Foundation Challenge Met!
In May 2019 the Cabell Foundation of Richmond challenged Blue Ridge Discovery Center to raise $200,000 through community support for a 1:1 match. What has transpired in less than a year’s time turned out to be worth even more than that.

The Cabell Foundation Grants BRDC Opportunity to Complete Restoration Goal
We are excited to announce that we have recently been awarded a challenge grant that, when matched by donations within the community, will push us to fully achieving our restoration goal for our future Center!

KTS Historic Photos
Recently we were gifted a treasure trove of over 500 historic photos of the old Konnarock Training School by Sheila (Blevins) Brown and the Blevins family. The three albums appear to have been compiled over the lifespan of the school, from 1924-1959, with photographs ranging from the construction of the facility to field trips up Whitetop Mountain to yearbook-style portraits.
Emory and Henry College's 2018 Service Plunge at BRDC
BRDC gained a crew of helping hands for a morning of ground maintenance during E&H’s 2018 Service Plunge.

A Reunion of the Konnarock Training School Alumni
Blue Ridge Discovery Center and the Konnarock Retreat House hosted the alumni of the Historic Konnarock Training School and their families on July 7th, 2018. Since the 1960's this group has been getting together to share stories and pass down the oral history of the KTS.

Cottage Renovations Underway
Over the past month, Blue Ridge Discovery Center has begun renovations on the cottage adjacent to our center! Our aim is to move our offices out there by the Spring Naturalist Rally in early May and set up shop!

Support from Smyth County
We are excited to receive the recent resolution from the Smyth County Board of Supervisors supporting our mission and application to the Department of Housing and Community Development Industrial Redevelopment Fund grant.

Our Future Center
Today, Blue Ridge Discovery Center is very excited to announce the site of our future home. In partnership with the Konnarock Retreat House, BRDC has received the generous contribution of the historic Konnarock Training School, in Konnarock, VA.