Summer Camp Wrap-Up
As summer 2021 closes in, so do BRDC’s summer camps. The camps may have only lasted 4-5 days, but the camaraderie and memories will last a lifetime. Each camp brought unique experiences and challenges, as well as new skills and admiration of the beautiful Blue Ridge.
New River Expedition
25 miles down the winding New River made for an exciting start to the overnight camps. Snorkeling, swimming, games, and hikes were all included in this exhilarating trip. Battleship and Ninja were games that sparked competition and fun; while exploring riverside plants and animals, kept us curious and enthusiastic. The heavy rain didn’t cause us to lose our spirits, but the occasional rock in the water may have caused a lack of balance! We waited for the rain to pass by skipping rocks and adventuring along the riverside. In the heat of the day, we cooled off by swimming in the river and resting under a refreshing waterfall. Fishing spiders, slimy salamanders, and crayfish were some of our favorite critter friends found along the way. The campers were always a delight, especially during our fun games or as we bonded around the fire.

Primitive Skills
During this week, campers learned primitive technology that can be used in survival situations. By the end of camp, they were no strangers to fire building; as Joe Flowers helped teach several methods to catch a spark. We were also involved in shelter building, flint knapping, and foraging. Something often asked while pointing at a plant or fungus was, “is it edible,” as we walked through the woods. Using the wild plants and fungi that we harvested, we made teas, dyes, and salad toppings. Carrie Sparks showed us other ways to utilize wild plants that we may initially consider weeds and appreciate them for the medicinal or edible properties they hold. Other skills gained from camp were basket weaving, cordage making, knife safety, and primitive trapping. Perhaps the greatest things from this week were the appreciation for primitive skills and friendships that go beyond camp.

Wilderness Camp
Adventure was no stranger to us during this week in the Lewis Fork Wilderness. Days were spent hiking and exploring the Mount Rogers National Recreation Area, finding critters, eating blueberries, and singing our way into the mountains. We spent our nights under the stars, with the Milky Way visible in the clear night sky as lightning bugs flashed and the campfire crackled. The highlight of our trip was backpacking to the highest point in Virginia to the peak of Mt. Rogers, then sleeping in the clouds. Journaling our findings was a must, as we encountered many different species of plants, animals, and fungi. Campers learned basic navigation skills, binocular usage, and proper backpacking techniques. Birding was one of many interactive lessons, especially being on the hunt for the Northern saw-whet owl.

Fly Fishing
Fly fishing in the Blue Ridge was a great way to send off the summer. We fished in creeks, ponds, and rivers, in hopes that everyone could catch a big one. Fishing for the endemic brook trout made for a challenge to the campers, but the beauty of the pristine mountain streams made it worthwhile. Campers practiced casting daily in order to ensure they all could perform “the perfect cast.” Fly tying became a nightly ritual before turning in for bed. Music by the fire (and in the van!) was a great way to bond. Many of the campers were friends of years past. It was an enjoyable and unforgettable experience where old friends were reacquainted and new friendships were formed. And...everyone caught a fish! We consider that a success!

Thank you to the campers who participated this summer. All of you brought something special to each trip. We hope to see you all again soon!