June is a Frenzy of Life
Nature Notes Bill Dunson Nature Notes Bill Dunson

June is a Frenzy of Life

Here on our VA Blue Ridge Mountain farm, June is a time of rebirth and renewal in nature.  Creatures seem to be in a rush to breed and of course must consume many resources to raise their young.  It is a life and death struggle but an absolutely spectacular show for the nature lover.

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Calico Pennant
Fauna of the Blue Ridge Bob Perkins Fauna of the Blue Ridge Bob Perkins

Calico Pennant

Last Wednesday (5?14/14) my wife and I found a number of active dragonflies at Bass Lake on the outskirts of Blowing Rock, Watauga County, NC. We saw eastern pondhawks, common whitetails, Carolina saddlebags, and Calico pennants. The pennants sat still long enough for me to get a decent photo. Enjoy!

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