2018 Summer Camp registration is now open!
We are excited to announce our 2018 Summer Camps. Online registration is now open!Blue Ridge Discovery Center has put together six exciting camps for next summer, including backpacking, fly fishing, kayaking, ornithology, and two discovery day camps.

Our Future Center
Today, Blue Ridge Discovery Center is very excited to announce the site of our future home. In partnership with the Konnarock Retreat House, BRDC has received the generous contribution of the historic Konnarock Training School, in Konnarock, VA.

Gathering Moss: The Natural and Cultural History of Mosses
"Living at the limits of our ordinary perception, mosses are a common but largely unnoticed element of the natural world. "Gathering Moss" is a beautifully written mix of science and personal reflection that invites readers to explore and learn from the elegantly simple lives of mosses."

BRDC Receives VDGIF eStore Grant Award
BRDC is very excited to be a recipient of the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries eStore Grant! This grant will provide vital material support for the programs we offer. As you all well know, birding and fly fishing are two subjects that inspired BRDC from the very beginning. This generous grant is going to boost these two programs to another level!

Learning from the Best of the Best!
What if you could look 10 years into the future, 20 years or 50 years? A few weeks ago, Blue Ridge Discovery Center had our very own crystal ball! Thanks to a small grant from the Harris and Francis Block Foundation we had the opportunity to study and learn from our counterparts at some of the best science centers, schools and field labs in the country! The trip took us to the Central Colorado Rocky Mountains, where the landscape and culture provided an ideal compare and contrast to the Blue Ridge Mountains!

Stock Donations, a Powerful Way to Support Vital Causes
With the stock market continuing to hit record highs (The Dow Jones industrial average continues to clear 21,000), now more than ever is an excellent time to consider a stock donation to Blue Ridge Discovery Center.

Announcing 6 Camp Scholarships in partnership with Friends of Mount Rogers!
BRDC is seeking applicants for six full scholarships ($795 value) to our Discovery Camp, July 31 - August 5, Ages 9-12 or 13-15. Location: Base Camp, Troutdale, VA

Meet Jay Martin!
We are excited to welcome wildlife biologist Jay Martin to the Blue Ridge Discovery Center team! Jay will be filling our Naturalist/Educator position starting this spring and will be leading many of our programs over the summer.

BRDC receives SWVA Outdoor Recreation Contract
We are excited to announce that Blue Ridge Discovery Center has been awarded the contract to provide web content for the SWVA Outdoors Website. This project is headed up by the Friends of Southwest Virginia and is an effort to highlight the awesome outdoor recreation opportunities our region has to offer.

Red-tailed Hawk Saved after Collision with Vehicle
On a chilly January day, local birder Cathy Spencer stopped by our office with news of an injured red-tailed hawk just up the highway. We frequently get calls for help from concerned citizens about injured animals. For many years we were able to connect them to local wildlife rehabilitators William and Joyce Roberts. With William's death this past summer, dedicated rehabilitator Darin Handy stepped forward to carry the torch. After consulting Darin, we grabbed a blanket and BRDC storage tub and headed out to find the bird.

Top 10 Natuarlist Apps
Some say that technology goes against the very reason we are out exploring wilderness in the first place. This may be the case , but nearly everyone carries a smartphone in their pocket. The smartphone is a powerful tool that is beginning to replace that backpack full of heavy and outdated books. Some apps don't quit live up to expectations, but these 10 have become essential field tools.

Mount Rogers Naturalist Rally History
We are excited to share the digital scans of the historic Mount Rogers Naturalist Rally Brochures. Thanks to the diligent efforts of Ruth and David Ross the entire collection of Rally Brochures is now available for digital reference. The documents cover every year dating back to 1981!! There is a wealth of knowledge and an impressive list of speakers in these documents. Browse through the files and share if you find anything fascinated buried in the text!
One kid is getting started off right!
We are excited to announce that we will be giving away a fly rod, a reel rigged with

Kevin Hamed honored with 2017 Outstanding Faculty Award!
Our newest board member, Dr. Kevin Hamed, professor of Biology at VHCC, was recently announced as the recipient of the 2017 Outstanding Faculty Award from the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.
Case study at Tremont!
Blue Ridge Discovery Center staff and board members took a fried-chicken-fueled trip to the Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont to study them as a model for the future of BRDC. We came away with both inspiration and a tangible vision!

BRDC receives VDGIF eStore Grant!
Thanks to the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries and the Wildlife Foundation of Virginia for supporting the Blue Ridge Discovery Center's efforts to connect our youth to the outdoors!

Mahogany Rock Hawk Watch
On September 23, thirty seventh graders from Grayson County Public Schools attended the Mahogany Rock Hawk Watch to experience the niche dedication of Hawk Counters and the mass migration of Broad-winged Hawks. Jim Keighton from the Blue Ridge Birders has been recording the migration of birds of prey for nearly twenty years! Each fall Jim sets up his swivel chair and interpretive displays along the parkway and begins scanning the sky. Not only does he diligently track the migration but he also takes the time to educate the passerby about the migration occurring overhead.

Explorers Club travels to Grandfather Mountain Hawk Watch
Aiming for peak broad-winged hawk migration, the explorers club hit the road to visit Grandfather Mountain Hawk Watch. We arrived not a minute too early! As we were setting up shop on Linville Peak (across the swinging bridge), kettles began to form to the southeast. It was if the hawks were appearing out of thin air, rising from the forest canopy below. We had incredible views looking nearly directly down on the birds. They were taking advantage of the thermals forming on the southeast facing slope of the mountain and soaring right in front of us. They circled up and up in kettles of thirty or more birds until they reached cruising altitude and one by one they would peel off continue their journey south toward Central and South America.

The creation of an Ornithology Camp in honor of William Roberts
Blue Ridge Discovery Center, in gratitude and honor of our recently departed and most principled birder and outdoor enthusiast, would like to advance his contagious interest in birds, flight, majesty of raptors, seasonal surprises of migration, and his boundless curiosity.
We believe that the best way to share his love of birds is to create an Ornithology Camp supported by a scholarship fund in his name.

Mount Rogers Wilderness Camp
We finished off summer camp season by heading up the mountain and exploring the habitats of Mount Rogers with a basecamp at the Scales on Pine Mountain. Unfortunately we timed it with a massive system that brought three days of solid rain!!