Summer Camp

Wilderness Backpacking Camp June 27-July 1

Wilderness Backpacking Camp June 27-July 1

One of the most rewarding opportunities of the summer is discovering more of the Blue Ridge in the company of exceptional guides on this multi-day backpacking expedition. On the trail, you’ll observe and document the wildlife we encounter along the way, including unique birds, trees, plants, insects, mushrooms, salamanders, and many others.

Still time to apply for an Ornithology Camp Scholarship!

Still time to apply for an Ornithology Camp Scholarship!

BRDC's Ornithology Camp, for kids ages 9-12, offers 4 days and 3 nights all about birds: eagles, warblers, herons, wrens, woodpeckers, owls, thrushes and more!! The camp, which is funded through the William Roberts Memorial Fund and volunteer support, runs Wednesday-Saturday, June 7-10, and includes all meals and snacks.  

Check Out BRDC's Summer Camp Lineup!

Check Out BRDC's Summer Camp Lineup!

Check out our great line-up of Summer Camps for 2017!

Our camps are led by highly skilled guides who understand how to develop curiosity, foster autonomy and be model citizens. Adventure is not the end, but rather a gateway to developing deeper connections with your surroundings. The farther you push the closer you get to discovery.

Discounted camp rates with family membership- Join Today!

The creation of an Ornithology Camp in honor of William Roberts

The creation of an Ornithology Camp in honor of William Roberts

Blue Ridge Discovery Center, in gratitude and honor of our recently departed and most principled birder and outdoor enthusiast, would like to advance his contagious interest in birds, flight, majesty of raptors, seasonal surprises of migration, and his boundless curiosity.

We believe that the best way to share his love of birds is to create an Ornithology Camp supported by a scholarship fund in his name.

Impromtu Fly Fishing Camp!

Impromtu Fly Fishing Camp!

At the request of a couple of campers from a previous camp we put together another Fly Fishing Camp to end the summer. Shortened by a day, it became an action packed three day initiation by fire. On the ride to camp we all agreed to treat this as an intensive course rather than the typical shenanigans of a summer camp. The result was one seriously focused group of kids.

New River Expedition- Summer Fun!

New River Expedition- Summer Fun!

There is no grander journey than pushing off from shore in a boat on a one-way trip to wherever the current carries you! On July 14, intrepid explorers from throughout the region did just that. Launching our kayaks and canoes from the King's Creek access along the South Fork of the New River, we began a four day journey down the currents of the New. With the guides paddling the canoes full of gear, the kids were free to explore the river at their own pace.

Fly Fish The Blue Ridge Summer Camp Photos

Recap of the Explorer’s Adventure Camp (August 3rd-5th, 2015)

Recap of the Explorer’s Adventure Camp (August 3rd-5th, 2015)

For years people have requested that we provide some kind of camp for kids and this year things all fell into place at last. BRDC’s goals behind this camp, aligned with our mission, were to connect kids with nature through immersion, give them the opportunity to learn potentially life long enriching hobbies, and teach them 21st century skills including problem solving and critical thinking through interest-driven activities.